Posted: January 10th, 2017

The nurse teaches a client with COPD to assess for s/s of right-sided heart failure. Which of the following s/s would be included in the teaching plan?

Which of the following is a priority goal for the client with COPD?

  1. Maintaining functional ability
  2. Minimizing chest pain
  3. Increasing carbon dioxide levels in the blood
  4. Treating infectious agents


71.  A client’s arterial blood gas levels are as follows: pH 7.31; PaO280 mm Hg, PaCO2 65 mm Hg; HCO336 mEq/L. Which of the following signs or symptoms would the nurse expect?

  1. Cyanosis
  2. Flushed skin
  3. Irritability
  4. Anxiety


72.  When teaching a client with COPD to conserve energy, the nurse should teach the client to lift objects:

  1. While inhaling through an open mouth.
  2. While exhaling through pursed lips
  3. After exhaling but before inhaling.
  4. While taking a deep breath and holding it.


73.  The nurse teaches a client with COPD to assess for s/s of right-sided heart failure. Which of the following s/s would be included in the teaching plan?

  1. Clubbing of nail beds
  2. Hypertension
  3. Peripheral edema
  4. Increased appetite

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