Posted: January 10th, 2017

nurse is preparing to obtain an arterial blood gas specimen from a client and plans to perform the Allen’s test on the client. Number in order of priority the steps for performing the Allen’s test (#1 is first step).

A nurse is caring for a client with diabetic ketoacidosis and documents that the client is experiencing Kussmaul’s respirations. Based on this documentation, which of the following did the nurse observe?

  1. Respirations that are abnormally deep, regular, and increased in rate.
  2. Respirations that are regular but abnormally slow.
  3. Respirations that are labored and increased in depth and rate
  4. Respirations that cease for several seconds.


36.  A nurse understands that the excessive use of oral antacids containing bicarbonate can result in which acid-base disturbance?

  1. Respiratory alkalosis
  2. Respiratory acidosis
  3. Metabolic acidosis
  4. Metabolic alkalosis


37.  A nurse is caring for a client with renal failure. Blood gas results indicate a pH of 7.30; a PCO2 of 32 mm Hg, and a bicarbonate concentration of 20 mEq/L. The nurse has determined that the client is experiencing metabolic acidosis. Which of the following laboratory values would the nurse expect to note?

  1. Sodium level of 145 mEq/L
  2. Magnesium level of 2.0 mg/dL
  3. Potassium level of 5.2 mEq/L
  4. Phosphorus level of 4.0 mg/dL


38.  A nurse is preparing to obtain an arterial blood gas specimen from a client and plans to perform the Allen’s test on the client. Number in order of priority the steps for performing the Allen’s test (#1 is first step).

  1. Ask the client to open and close the hand repeatedly.
  2. Apply pressure over the ulnar and radial arteries.
  3. Assess the color of the extremity distal to the pressure point
  4. Release pressure from the ulnar artery
  5. Explain the procedure to the client.

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