Posted: January 10th, 2017

Assessing a client who has developed atelectasis postoperatively, the nurse will most likely find

Auscultation of a client’s lungs reveals crackles in the left posterior base. The nursing intervention is to:

  1. Repeat auscultation after asking the client to deep breathe and cough.
  2. Instruct the client to limit fluid intake to less than 2000 ml/day.
  3. Inspect the client’s ankles and sacrum for the presence of edema
  4. Place the client on bedrest in a semi-Fowlers position.


93.  The most reliable index to determine the respiratory status of a client is to:

  1. Observe the chest rising and falling
  2. Observe the skin and mucous membrane color.
  3. Listen and feel the air movement.
  4. Determine the presence of a femoral pulse.


94.  A client with COPD has developed secondary polycythemia. Which nursing diagnosis would be included in the plan of care because of the polycythemia?

  1. Fluid volume deficit related to blood loss.
  2. Impaired tissue perfusion related to thrombosis
  3. Activity intolerance related to dyspnea
  4. Risk for infection related to suppressed immune response.


95.  The physician has scheduled a client for a left pneumonectomy. The position that will most likely be ordered postoperatively for his is the:

  1. Unoperative side or back
  2. Operative side or back
  3. Back only
  4. Back or either side.


96.  Assessing a client who has developed atelectasis postoperatively, the nurse will most likely find:

  1. A flushed face
  2. Dyspnea and pain
  3. Decreased temperature
  4. Severe cough and no pain

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