Posted: April 19th, 2017

In your own words, describe the anatomy and function of the components that make up the renal corpuscle.

Module 07 Lab Worksheet:  Urinary System

Pre-Lab Evaluation Questions

The pre-lab evaluation questions must be answered prior to lab and demonstrated to your lab instructor.  You must read through the assigned chapter readings, lab introduction, objectives, overview and procedure to answer these questions.

Please cite your work for any reference source you utilize in answering these questions.

1.Describe the blood flow to the kidney and within including the renal artery and vein, interlobar arteries, cortical radiate arteries and afferent arteries? 
The renal arteries branch off of the abdominal aorta and supply the kidneys

with blood. The arterial supply of the kidneys is variable from person to

person, and there may be one or more renal arteries supplying each kidney.

Due to the position of the aorta, the inferior vena cava, and the kidneys in the

body, the right renal artery is normally longer than the left renal artery. The

renal arteries carry a large portion of the total blood flow to the kidneys, up

to a third of the total cardiac output can pass through the renal arteries to be

filtered by the kidneys. Renal blood supply starts with the branching of the

aorta into the renal arteries (which are each named based on the region of

the kidney they pass through) and ends with the exiting of the renal veins to

join the inferior vena cava. The renal arteries split into several segmental

arteries upon entering the kidneys. Each segmental artery splits further into

several interlobar arteries and enters the renal columns, which supply the

renal lobes. The interlobar arteries split at the junction of the renal cortex

and medulla to form the arcuate arteries. The arcuate “bow shaped” arteries

form arcs along the base of the medullary pyramids. Cortical radiate arteries,

as the name suggests, radiate out from the arcuate arteries. The cortical

radiate arteries branch into numerous afferent arterioles, and then enter the

  • supplying the nephrons (Boundless, 2015).

2.In your own words, describe the anatomy and function of the components that make up the renal corpuscle.     

A renal corpuscle is composed of a tangle of small blood vessels, called a

glomerulus, which filters your blood, and the Bowman’s capsule, which

collects the filtered molecules and directs them into the tubing of your

3.In general and in your own words, briefly describe the role of the three regions to the renal tubule section of a nephron. 
The three regions to the renal tube are divided by the proximal tube, the loop

of Henle, and the duct via medulla. The proximal tube is mostly present in the

cortex and performs the part of reabsorption of nutrients and minerals from

tubular fluid and then transports these absorbed components to blood

located in peritubular capillaries.

The loop of Henle goes down dipper in the medulla and assists the

establishment of medullary interstitial fluid’s environment. Then the loop of

Henle comes back as distal convoluted tubule to juxtaglomerular apparatus

of corpuscle, a place from where it originated. Lastly, the collecting duct via

medulla goes back to pour into pelvis and nephron unit’s end point.


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